I have done a lot with the rural women's organisation here in Weeraketiya, but what is left to achieve? I have produced a map of the organisation's working area, and asked a local printer to print it. Now I have to, in the typical Sri Lankan way, chase him up a few times to see when he'll make it - if ever.
Also, I need to have a couple more English classes with the staff here. Some of them have really enjoyed it, and there has definitely been an improvement in their level of spoken English. A few more lesson's and I'll have them reciting Shakespeare I think...
Then there's the strategic plan itself, the main part of my project. Now we have had lots of discussions with the staff and director and got loads of ideas about where next for the organisation, including an updated vision and mission. Over the next few weeks all the different project ideas need to be boiled down to a few key actions and some information about who is going to carry them out. This week I will be (with assistance) translating the plan's summary back to Sinhala from my English notes, and looking for volunteers among the staff to do the main actions in the plan. Don't be shy now!
Women at work...

Meanwhile, out the back of the office some local guys have been busily demolishing a small kitchen and pulling down some coconut palms so that they have some clear land to build a training facility out the back. Soon the VT students I wrote about in a previous blog are going to have a new classroom with more space and better equipment, which is great news for them and for the organisation too.
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